hoppas du pallar läsa det och ser vad som står (A)

I miss you so much,
you are the man that I can talk to at all times,
one who understands me and see me in a way that no one else does.
You're the girl who has the humor that you just love,
talent to get in a good mood all the time.
I have never watered with something as good as you.
You are my twin sister, I see myself in you,
everything you do and everything you say. We think the same,
I do not know whether to take it as a sign?
Why I hate that we move apart more and more.
Feels like you never have time for me, and it cuts,
cuts like a laser. All years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds we have gone through together ..
Sure, we've had portion quarrel, but it belongs to.
We have done it, and so we can handle it all.
Therefore, it hurts to think that I am losing you,
you disappear and I do not know what to do with myself.
You are by far the best friend one can have. And my dear,
I really do not want to lose you ..


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